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Below is a list of churches in or close to the old historic section of Ponce. Call ahead before visiting as many of these churches are not likely to have an English service. Or, you could be adventurous and go for total cultural immersion.

One of Ponce's churches
Cathedral of Our Lady Guadalupe (Roman Catholic)
Plaza Degatau
787-842-0134Primera Iglesia Bautista de Ponce (American Baptist)
Calle Victoria, esquina Bertoly #2

Iglesia de Nuevo Testamento de Ponce (Non-denominational)
Calle Villa, esquina de Plaza Delicias

Iglesia Cristiana Nueva Gran Gozo (Non-denominational)
Paseo Atocha

Iglesia Evangélica Wesleyana de Ponce (Wesleyan)
Calle Victoria, esquina Mercurio

Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal, MI Mayor Cantera (Pentecostal)
Calle 2 de Mayo

Iglesia Pentecostal de Nueva Jerusalén (Pentecostal)
Calle Comercio

Iglesia Casa de Amor (Charismatic)
38, 26 Calle Salud

Primera Iglesia Metodista de Ponce (Methodist)
135 Calle Villa

Centro Islamico de Puerto Rico – Ponce (Islam)
Calle Salud